Common Questions About Car Accident Claims in Los Angeles -Answered!

Common Questions About Car Accident Claims in Los Angeles -Answered!

Common Questions About Car Accident Claims in Los Angeles -Answered!


A car accident involves a lot of complexities. Take care of yourself, get medical help, and report the accident to the police or local authorities. To avoid getting tangled in the situation, you should know the answers to the most commonly asked questions about car accidents.

It will be ideal to contact car accident attorneys Los Angeles if you need some time to recover after finding a lawyer to take care of the case.

How long can you file for a car accident claim in Huntington Beach?

The Statute of limitations has set out specific deadlines you need to comply with if you don’t want your claim to be denied. While there are different types of car accident claims; property damage claims, injury claims, liability claims, etc., it would be in your best interest to file for the claim within six months of the accident taking place.

What are the common injuries in a car accident?

A car accident may result in more than one injury. To get medical help earliest, you must know the most common injuries involved in a car accident

  • Scraped and cuts
  • Head injuries
  • Chest, arm, or leg injury
  • Ligament injuries
  • Soft tissue injuries

Is there a need to hire a lawyer for a car accident claim?

A typical car accident claim involves:

  • A lot of paperwork.
  • Gathering the evidence.
  • Maintaining medical bills.
  • Ensuring the victim gets proper care.

Although the law does not make it mandatory to hire a lawyer, having an experienced lawyer will help strengthen your case and ensure maximum compensation. Moreover, you may not have the experience to handle the legalities as a lawyer, which can affect the outcome of the compensation amount.

What compensation are you eligible for in a car accident?

There might not be a definite answer to this. Car accidents involve damages that would be evaluated to determine the amount of compensation you would be eligible for. If you want to learn an accurate amount of compensation, you might as well consult a car accident attorney in Los Angeles.

Evidence needed to file a car accident claim

Several documents must be filed for a car accident claim, either with the insurance company or against a defendant. To give you more transparency, here are some of the most important types of evidence that you should consider;

  1. Car insurance policy papers
  2. Driving license of the person filing for a claim
  3. Registration certificate of the insured vehicle
  4. Claim intimation form
  5. Medical reports with bills
  6. Copy of police reports
  7. Snippets from the car accident
  8. Statements and testimonies


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